Zac Lee
Integrated Medical Qigong & Reiki Master Practitioner

Zac is a renowned healer specializing in Integrated Medical Qigong and Reiki for pets, bringing a unique blend of ancient energy practices to enhance the health and happiness of animals. Zac’s expertise lies in balancing the physical, emotional, and energetic well-being of pets.

What makes Zac’s healing approach truly extraordinary is his deep connection to animals and his ability to intuitively understand their needs. From pain relief and faster post-surgery recovery to easing anxiety and trauma, his energy work addresses the root causes of discomfort in pets, creating lasting transformations. He doesn’t just treat symptoms—he helps pets regain their vitality, joy, and balance.

Zac’s journey into healing is as unique as his practice. After a high-powered career in banking left him seeking more meaningful ways to make a difference, he discovered his latent gift for energy healing, passed down from his grandfather’s spiritual legacy. Since fully embracing this path in 2019, he has helped countless pets overcome health challenges, both physical and emotional, through his integrated approach.

Combining the ancient techniques of Medical Qigong, which balances a pet’s energy flow, with Reiki, which clears blockages and promotes relaxation, Zac tailors every session to the individual needs of each animal. Whether a pet is struggling with chronic pain, recovering from surgery, or exhibiting anxiety-related behavior, his energy work restores harmony, making pets feel safe, calm, and revitalized.

Pet owners often describe Zac’s sessions as “life-changing,” sharing stories of remarkable recoveries and visible improvements in their pets’ well-being. His compassionate, intuitive healing has become a go-to solution for those looking to enhance their pets’ quality of life.

If you’re seeking a powerful, holistic solution to improve your pet’s health and happiness, Zac’s integrated energy healing is a trusted and transformative path.